Contact Us

Have Questions?

We want to ensure you have all the information you need. Please check out our Frequently Asked Questions page for immediate answers to common queries.

If our FAQs did not address your question, you can contact us directly:

Template Accessibility

Our Canva templates are designed to be easily accessible, with no limitations. However, they may be subject to updates and modifications.

Due to these updates, the template links may occasionally expire or become inaccessible.

Save Your Template

To ensure you retain access to your purchased templates, we recommend clicking the Canva template link provided to you immediately after purchase.

This allows you to save a copy directly to your Canva account, ensuring continuous access to the template.

Template Purchases Within the Last 60 Days


Canva recently updated how template links are shared, which may lead to difficulties in accessing some previously shared links.

If your template link isn’t working and you purchased within the last 60 days, please reach out to us:


We’ll resolve the issue as soon as possible so you can get back to creating!


Thank you for choosing Hanging with the Kiddos. We're here to assist you and ensure a smooth experience with our templates.